Sunday, 28 August 2011

We love a photogenic horse

Yesterday we all went off to Achnasheen to celebrate Auntie Mina's and Uncle Alastair's 50th Wedding Anniversary. Most of the family were there which was lovely. Unfortunately, James couldn't make it as his back has become worse. The pain hasn't been improving so sitting in a car would be a nightmare for him. He was really missed though and felt very odd without him there. As always, a lot of pictures were taken and I will pop some here to show you all.

The kids table...

Granny and I. I am crouching quite a bit here..

There were a few random Shetland Ponies around the hotel.. I think this picture is my favourite.

I know this looks like I've put loads of pictures up of the same thing but it was rather funny.. The pony (which we named Toby) decided to enter our family picture and it took quite a while to get rid of him.. It was a total lol though.

This is the only one Dad made it into..

Toby then decided he wanted to come into the hotel.. He only made it to the porch.

It was so nice to see the extended family, a lot of whom I've not been able to see this past year. Everyone has been so kind to me and it was great to catch up.

We've had a lovely time up north and are going to Edinburgh tomorrow to celebrate Auntie Dianne's birthday. On Friday, Mum, Granny and I went to Anta and then to Dornoch - two of my favourite places!

On Friday night when Teenie arrived we popped into Tain for dinner. It was delish!

One last thing.. As I've mentioned previously, Granny lives in 'Hill of Fearn'. This sign is sometimes changed to 'Hill of Fear' and as we were driving past on Friday night someone had changed it! YAS! I was absolutely overjoyed and made Dad stop the car so we could get a snap of this momentous occasion. It was rather awkward to park there as it is at the side of a country road so we tried to be quick. It took Mum a while to take the picture and Dad was getting rather impatient.. My heels were sinking into the grass and there were spiders EVERYWHERE. After about ten minutes, the flash went and we hopped back into the car and started driving off. However, after all that, the only picture we ended up with was this.. THANKS MUM.

OK, that was a really picture heavy post and rather dull... Soz! Anywho, I'm off to pack my bag for tomorrow. Night all.

1 comment:

  1. hahaahah love your snaps mamma mac! Also- YOUR EYES ARE OPEN- whoooop, what a lovely pic of you two. Looks like a fab time,I hope you have brought toby home for me.....xxxxxxxx
